Kidorama Creche & Montessori

Kidorama Key Policies

We are open from 7.30am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday. Exceptions are Bank Holidays, Good Friday, Christmas Eve and Christmas week.

Enrolment / Registration

  • To book a place in Kidorama, firstly please complete our Expression of Interest Form which you can find here 
  • For all ECCE only places we require a €100 deposit to reserve a place. This is refunded during the ECCE term with us or used to reserve your 2nd year ECCE only place with us if you so require.  If we cannot offer you a place we will of course refund.
  • Your form will be held on file by us and you will be contacted when we have a suitable place coming up.
  • If you wish to accept a Full Time or School place with us we require your 1st month’s fee in advance to secure the place.
  • A completed Registration Form and any other documentation are required in advance of start date.
    Parents are asked to advise of all important information regarding your child including allergies, dietary requirements and any medical conditions please.
  • If you wish to avail of NCS funding you will also need to submit this to us at least one month prior to start date so we can complete the application process.

Settling In

It is vital that the initial transition from home to crèche is carefully supported. Each child and their parents will have individual needs when it comes to settling in to Kidorama. We will work closely with parents to devise the best approach for each family. This approach will incorporate a tailor made plan of any of the following elements.

  • Crèche visit by parents and child. The child will meet the other children in their group, the care team and familiarise themselves with the surroundings.
  • Comfort toy or blanket from home
  • Group induction – the group are prepared and welcome the new child
  • Gentle ‘settle-in’ process over 1 week e.g. starting with 1 hour on day 1 with parent, meeting group and engaging in play, 1 hour day 2 without parent (parent close by)…etc

    * We also exercise a variety of approaches to smooth the daily ‘settle in’ when required.

Health & Safety

We recognise that when a child falls ill, is very difficult for the child, parents and the care team. In many cases, the best place for a child when they are ill is at home where they can rest and recuperate. Also the other children and the care team must be protected from any infectious illnesses.

Our detailed Health and Safety statement is available for inspection at any time. Some important key points are outlined below.

  • An emergency doctor will always be on call
  • Care teams are trained in First Aid and Fire Safety. There is a fire safety and evacuation procedure in place.
  • There is always a FAR (First Aid Responder) on duty at all times, as well as the other staff having first aid training.
  • We recommend that children have all their vaccinations up to date, but that if parents have decided not to vaccinate their children, they will be asked to sign a disclaimer form.
  • Children on antibiotics must stay at home for the first 48 hours to help support their recuperation. In addition, the child must be fit to return to the crèche. On the child’s return, we will be happy to administer medication if required per a ‘Medical Consent’ form signed by parents. Medication must be handed to the care team for safekeeping.
  • If a child falls ill in the crèche, parents will be informed and may be asked to collect their child if they are too unwell.
  • The care team may administer Calpol as pre-approved by parents if necessary for temperature control.
  • Parents are asked to advise if their child is unwell and will be absent from the crèche. We need to be aware of illnesses in circulation for the protection of the other children and care team and to advise other parents if necessary.
  • Staff will record any accidents, incidents or medications administered.

Communication with Parents / ‘Open Door’

We have a key worker system in place and each child will have a designated person. There will be regular opportunities for informal communication at drop off or collection times. Formal communication channels and frequency are outlined in the Care group grid above. At any point, parents can contact the Crèche manager also. We wish to assure parents that their children are receiving the best possible care. Parent’s are welcome to ‘drop in’ whenever the wish and spend some time in their child’s environment. Family members with interesting skills or items are encouraged to visit and share with the children.

Please do not hesitate to feedback, make suggestions or avail of our team’s expertise on any childcare matter.

Nutrition, Health & Fitness

We have adopted a HSE developed menu as it is nutritionally balanced and offers a great variety for all children. (Copy menu available on request). All meals are freshly prepared using fresh ingredients on site each day. We have a chef on site to prepare our delicious home-made dinners and snacks.

We promote healthy eating and physical activity. Nutrition, Health & Fitness awareness will be an intrinsic part of your child’s curriculum. Activity and Outdoor play will be central to your child’s day

Toilet Training

Toilet training can be very easy and successful when parents and the care team work together. Children can be very motivated when their friends are also going through the same process.

Child Behaviour

We have a ‘positive behaviour reinforcement policy’ and staff encourage and model good behaviour.

Before your child starts are Kidorama, we will endeavour to understand your child’s behaviour and motivation. Coupled with our ongoing observation, we will adopt the best approach to gently encourage positive behaviour from your child. We will always try to overcome inappropriate behaviour in a non-confrontational way.

If a child has behavioural issues, we will devise a planned approach and timeline with parents. In rare and extreme cases, parents may be asked to remove their child from the Crèche and seek more specialised assistance.


Kidorama will strive to constantly improve our Eco-friendliness. We will use eco-friendly products where feasible and will recycle as much of our waste materials as possible.

Eco-learning and Eco-awareness will be an intrinsic part of your child’s curriculum.

Collection of Children

In the interest of your child’s security, only those named on your child’s registration profile may collect your child. Please advise in advance if someone new is collecting your child (for different people collecting the children, we use a password system). In every case, we reserve the right to ask for ID and may call parents to cross check.

We ask parents to be vigilant that doors are properly secured as they enter and exit the building. Also please support us in constant protection of children on the premises e.g.. ensure when you are dropping off or collecting your child that they cannot run out on to the road and that we all watch out for all the children all the time.

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