Kidorama Creche & Montessori

Kidorama Fees


  • Full Fees are due monthly in advance by the 1st of every month and by standing order please.
  • Full fees are applicable for ALL absences AND all closures of the service including closures due to exceptional circumstances that are beyond our control.
  • Places booked are for 1 year with each party to give the other 1 full months notice in writing if they wish to terminate the agreement earlier.
  • Please note Fees are subject to change
    Our current Fees are:
    €50 per day for Pre ECCE and ECCE children
    €25 per day for School Aged children on School days for Breakfast and Afterschool Club.
    €40 per day for School Holidays.
    Please note these fees are before Government NCS and ECCE funding.

Government Funding
Whilst your child attends Kidorama you can avail of the available Government Schemes to help with your Fees. The Government Funding Schemes have attendance requirements that must be adhered to to ensure your allocated funding is received and to ensure continuation of the agreed place.

We are obliged to monitor attendance for each child and this is Inspected by the relevant funding bodies. Please notify us in writing of any long term absences for holidays or illness etc.

ECCE funding – During the ECCE Program for ECCE only and Full Time ECCE Children children are required to adhere to attendance requirements as set out by the funding bodies. Long absences or patterns of absence – e.g. not attending on the same day regularly will mean your funding, and place, are at risk. Should your child be absent for more than 20days we are required to cancel your place on the Government system ‘HIVE’.

NCS funding – When applying for your NCS funding please apply for the number of hours you attend the service ONLY per week. If your child goes to School or attends an ECCE session (already funded separately by Government) you cannot claim NCS for these hours.

NCS is Parent Owned and please note due to the volume of children attending 1 full month notice is required for updates to NCS CHICKS.

When sending us your CHICK details please email the Full Award Detail Page from the Applicant Portal so we have all the information to hand when we start the application process.

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